what if

Investigating The Impact of Our Actions

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About the What If Project

We wanted to make a website that had an environmental message, but would also be educational and fun. So that people could learn  about what they could do themselves for the environment through enjoying our games and videos.

As well as making the What If website at conservationist.info we have already shared our survey data with partner schools in other projects and plan to submit a description of what we did to the EU's u4energy.eu project to supplement our work on building simulations in Scratch last year.


About Riverside School

Riverside School is an international school in the Czech capital city of Prague. There are over 400 students. This website shows off the work of our Grade 7 students.

Our Early Years unit recently achieved an Eco-school's bronze award. We have included pictures of their recycled art Robot Town project.

Our students have in the past year been on field trips to a local plastics recycling centre and to Prague Zoo as part of both our art and science curricular programme.

Our students are also encouraged to work with recycled materials as art projects.

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